Monday, April 7, 2014

He's So High

This song is really called "She's So High" by Tal Bachman.  But of course I spin the lyrics and the fundamental idea behind it.  I change the she to a he and the He I'm talking about is Jesus Christ.  The height I'm talking about is his amazing Balance and love as both a General and Specific Cause.  

She's He's blood, flesh and bone
No tucks or [touch of] silicone
He's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound
[So completely and utterly REAL!  Nothing pseudo, false, plastic, fake.]

But somehow I can't believe
That anything should happen
I know where I belong
And nothing's gonna happen
Yeah, yeah 
[Sometimes I feel so unworthy of his presence.  Will he really answer me?  Does he really have time for me?  He's so high.  He is God, Creator of the earth and the entire universe.  So many people I know that are so high don't give me the time of day.  It's all about them.  They are so conscious of their highness.  Is he different from them?]

'Cause he's so high...
High above me, he's so lovely
He's so high...
Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite Martin Luther, Alma, Nephi, or Joseph [Some of my favorites!  So amazingly beautiful but so down to earth.]
He's so high...
High above me

First class and fancy free
He's high [my] society [I prefer his Effects to anyone else's]
He's got the best of everything [This is for sure!]

What could a girl like me
Ever really offer?
He's perfect as he can be
Why should I even bother?
[There must be some paradoxical truth at work here.  Something like the Little Drummer Boy or the widow and the mite. So I sing the Little Drummer Boy song to him.]

(Repeat Chorus)

He comes to speak to me
I freeze immediately
'Cause what he says sounds so unreal
[As I read the scriptures and other stories of truth, his voice echoes through them in the Effects I experience.  It verifies General truths and then reveals Specific ones for my ears only.  And I stop everything else I'm doing.  I leave my "boat and my nets" like Peter and follow him.  Literally I have a reason now to be good, motivation to try my hardest to maintain my Balance even in the face of Imbalance.]

But somehow I can't believe
That anything should happen
I know where I belong
And nothing's gonna happen
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
[This is an unfinished song in many ways.  It expresses how I feel in the midst of my leaps of faith.  It speaks of my challenge to believe in things that are unseen yet are true.  It speaks of me trying to believe him when I see him walking on the sea like a spirit and he says, "It is I; be not afraid."

(Repeat Chorus)

I heard this song for the first time about 6 years ago and was attracted to it because of its passion.  When I hear passion in a love song I'm glad when it is purifiable.  If it's not I avoid it like the plague.  Purifiable means it's not blatantly speaking of the kind of love-lust Process that Survival of the Fittest Causes engage in.  And even if that was what the original song writer meant underneath the words, I spin it, cleanse it and turn it into REAL love with passion. 

Idolatry is REAL love placed upon an unworthy object or person.  An unworthy person is someone who cannot or will not return the level of commitment we are willing to offer.  Or it is Desire without our own commitment.  It is wanting to obtain the prize without engaging in the Inherent Process that belongs to that person or thing (D&C 130:20-21).  I spin or flip into opposites all these variables in order to purify the song:

I address the song to a VERY worthy person. 

I change the meaning of any edgy lyrics to something real, true, and paradoxical.  For example, "tucks" and "silicone" may be referring to plastic surgery but I change them to refer to the difference between a Pseudo Cause and a Real Cause.  Through experience I have come to feel the flesh and bone difference between these two.

As I sing the song to him, I'm pledging my utter commitment to him in my quest to identify and obey to the best of my ability (and through his grace) whatever law is attached to the Desires I'm asking for.

In this way, I claim the song as my own. : )  I use it to keep my love and commitment fresh in my heart and mind.  Real love is not bereft of passion.  It is full of a depth of passion that is endless.

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